Thursday, April 9, 2009

Once everything becomes an economic profit =$

Weber’s historical context was characterized by the implosion of mechanical and technological developments and the expansion and advance of agriculture. That mean of production started to use land and natural resources never imagined before, for the benefits of the big cities where the upper coming classes needed new goods and services.

As Weber describes the religious affiliation and the social stratification have two clear causes which can be observed: the separation of business from the households and the rational book keeping. Agriculture was one of the production in which we can observe the transformation from small scale and domestic p to industrialized and utilitarian production. The expansion of capitalism to all the different kinds of production was characterized by the idea of a duty of the individual toward the increase of his capital, which is assumed “as an end in itself”. According to Weber man is dominated by the making of money, by the acquisition as the ultimate purpose of his life.

As Weber describes the religious affiliation and the social stratification have two clear causes which can be observed: the separation of business from the households and the rational book keeping. Agriculture was one of the production in which we can observe the transformation from small scale and domestic p to industrialized and utilitarian production. The expansion of capitalism to all the different kinds of production was characterized by the idea of a duty of the individual toward the increase of his capital, which is assumed “as an end in itself”. According to Weber man is dominated by the making of money, by the acquisition as the ultimate purpose of his life.

Weber analyzed the origin of the “rationalism” of the capitalism and its relationship with religion. Those aspects are deeply rotted in western history and all our comprehension of the reality as a consequence of that historical process.

“Remember that time is money (…) Remember, that money is of the prolific, generating nature. Money can beget money, and its offspring can beget more, and so on." (Benjamin Franklin in M. Weber, 1902)
See this interesting video/example of someone who wanted to make money from nature, becoming an entrepreneurship in agriculture:


  1. Did you happen to see the recent Direct TV commercial in which Benjamin Franklin is found throughout represented by several actors and of course on U.S. Federal Notes?

    By the way, I am wondering if/where HONOR is part of the religion-based asceticism and the spirit. Thoughts?

  2. Good analysis. What I find most poignant about Weber's analysis is that not only did Puritan Protestantism remove the stigma attached to wealth accumulation, but was so effective by promoting perpetually deferred gratification, leading to an ethic which justifies accumulation for accumulation's sake.
